134 South Main Street
Nazareth, PA 18064

Borough Council Members

Borough Council

Daniel R. Chiavaroli Daniel R. Chiavaroli - Council President

Dan Chiavaroli represents the Third Ward. He was first elected to Council in 1984 and has served his constituents consecutively for the past thirty eight years. An Air Force veteran and a native of Shamokin, Pennsylvania, Chiavaroli is also President and Director of the Nazareth Ambulance Corps and the Borough’s liaison to the Nazareth Area Chamber of Commerce. As President of Council, Chiavaroli presides at all Borough Meetings and Workshops and attends the eight Borough committee meetings held each month. Dan is a retired NCR manager and he and wife Gayle have two married sons, Dan Jr. and David and two grandchildren.

Councilman - Third Ward
Dan Chiavaroli
231 S. Whitfield Street
Nazareth, PA 18064
610–759–7256 (H)
610–533–3338 (C)

Carl R. Strye Jr. Carl R. Strye Jr. - Council Vice President
Directs Public Property Committee

Carl Strye has spent most of his life in public service. Strye was appointed Mayor in May of 2013 having already announced his candidacy for a Third Ward Council post and while also filing for a spot on the Primary Ballot as Mayor, then was a clearcut winner of both seats that November. Strye served as the Borough's Mayor for three years. Carl heads the Borough's Pool Committee, oversees all Park, Pool and Public Property matters and brought the Borough the Pool Party Pavilion and the Essroc Fields Pavilion even as he coordinated the construction of the new Playground at Veteran's Square. Following in his father’s footsteps, Carl Jr. has been a volunteer fireman for forty three years and was President of the Vigilance Hose Fire Company for twenty nine years. Strye was the "Voice" of Nazareth Football and Girls Basketball as gameday announcer from 1990 untyil 2015 and is chairman and organizer of the Halloween Parade from 1987 to the present day. Strye also became active with the current Pool Initiative and is on the Nazareth Ambulance Board. He also serves on the Borough's Nazareth Day Commission. Strye lives on Seip Avenue, is employed by Washtec Incorporated and has two daughters and three grandaughters.Carl is employed as a Regional Sales Manager for Sonny's Car Wash Services of Tamarac, Florida.

Councilman - Third Ward
Carl R. Strye Jr.
703 Seip Avenue
Nazareth, PA 18064
610-248-4878 (Mobile)
484-239-3146 (Work)

Lance E. Colondo Lance E. Colondo - Mayor
Directs Nazareth Police Department

Lance Colondo was appointed to Council in February of 2014 to serve a two year term. Colondo has long been active with the Nazareth Area Chamber of Commerce and sought appointment to the Mayor’s seat in May of 2013 following the resignation of Fred Daugherty Jr.. Colondo was elected to a two year term in 2016 when he lived in the Borough's Third Ward. Colondo has served as the Borough’s liaison to the Nazareth Area Council of Governments and to the Nazareth Economic Development Commission in addition to his duties as Law Committee Chairman before being elected Mayor in November of 2017. Colondo began his second term as elected Mayor in January of 2022. Colondo resides in the Borough's Third Ward and is employed by Unity Bank.

Lance E. Colondo
334 Madison Avenue
Nazareth, PA 18064
610-392–7656 (c)

Carl A. Fischl Carl A. Fischl - Councilman

Retired teacher Carl Fischl ran a successful write-in campaign to get on the ballot then later win his first term as a Second Ward Councilman in 2012 before being re-elected to a second four year term in 2016 and a third term in 2020. Fischl’s career included many years as a head football coach at the central Pennsylvania high school where he taught. Carl led the Fire Committee from 2012 through 2014 and has been the Chairman of the Borough’s Police Committee for the past eight years and will now continue in that role. He has served on several of the Borough’s Hiring groups and is currently on the Police Pension Board as well as the Environmental Steering and Public Property Committees.

Councilman - Second Ward
Carl A. Fischl
135 S. Main Street
Nazareth, PA 18064
610-759-2756 (H)
610-462-0614 (C)

Michael J. Kopach Michael J. Kopach - Councilman
Chairman - Law Committee

First elected in the year 2000, Michael Kopach is now beginning his sixth term as First Ward Councilman. Throughout most of his years on Council, Kopach has served as Public Works Chairman. Kopach, however, has also led the Fire Committee and the Finance Committee and has served on the Police and Ecology Committees. Following the January 2022 Reorganization, Kopach will continue to lead the Borough's Law Committee. A lifelong Nazareth resident, Mike is a retired Lone Star Cement employee and a Nazareth High School graduate. Mike and wife Deb have a son and a daughter.

Councilman - First Ward
Michael J. Kopach
202 Woodside Avenue
Nazareth, PA 18064
610-759-8379 (H)

Charles A. Donello Charles A. Donello - Councilman
Chairman-Environmental Steering Committee

Charles Donello was first elected to Council in 2008 to serve a two year term and followed that by being elected to his first full four year term in 2010. Donello is a Mack Truck retiree and was a longtime District XI wrestling official. Over his years on Council, he has primarily served as Chairman of the Environmental Steering Committee and served a one year stint as head of our Public Works Committee. Donello also is the Borough's liaison to the Nazareth Borough Municipal Authority and before its disbanding led the Borough’s Shade Tree Commission and currently interacts with all refuse and recycling matters throughout the Borough. Donello is responsible for all tree plantings and tree removals for the area between Borough streets and sidewalks and the pruning of all trees which are in the "right of way". Charles, a Viet Nam veteran, and wife Georgette have a son and a daughter.

Councilman - Third Ward
Charles A. Donello
317 S. Whitfield Street
Nazareth, PA 18064
610-759-4275 (H)
484-274-2235 (C)

Christopher D. Crook Christopher D. Crook - Councilman
Chairman-Public Works

Christopher Crook was first elected to Council in 2018 having previously served on the Borough's Library Board where he remains a board member and an active contributor. Chris began his Council career leading the Borough's Technology Committee and has overseen major upgrades with computer links for our Police Department, parking aps which allow for remote meter payment and for the Borough's enhanced video surveillance in our Park and Pool. At the start of 2020, Councilman Crook's role changed as he assumed leadership of the Borough's Public Works Committee and began providing direction for street repairs and the maintenance of all Borough Parks, the Walking Trails and all other Borough buildings and facilities. The roots of public service are deep in his family as Councilman Crook's grandmother, Evelyn Huth, was the Borough's first female member of Council and his father, Daryl Crook served on Council from 1980 to 1984. His current four year term began on January 1, 2022.

Councilman - First Ward
Christopher D. Crook
212 N. Church Street
Nazareth, PA 18064

Kayla Green Kayla Green - Councilwoman
Chairperson-Fire Committee

Kayla Green was elected to Council to represent the Borough's First Ward for a four year term beginning in January 2020. Green replaced retiring Councilman Frank Maurek and with an extensive background in technology and information security matters she became the Technology Committee Chairperson. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, Kayla joined Council with the hope of keeping our Borough "a safe, enjoyable and affordable place to live". Public service runs in her family as her father, Chris Mormak was one of the Borough's longest serving firemen before his 2021 passing. Kayla is employed by Lutron Electronics. Her current term ends on December 31, 2023.

Councilwoman - First Ward
Kayla Green
132 N. Green Street
Nazareth, PA 18064

Laureen Pellegrino Laureen Pellegrino - Councilwoman
Chairperson-Technology Committee

Laureen Pellegrino was appointed to Council on August 27, 2020 to fill the unexpired term of David D. Mattei who resigned on July 31, 2020. Laureen, a career Mechanical Engineer, possesses several degrees and certifications: including Bachelors of Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech, MBA from Dowling College and recently a Masters in Engineering Management from Drexel University. Prior to coming to Council, Laureen served a 4 year term on the Borough's Planning Commission and is President of the Junior League of the Lehigh Valley and a Board of Directors member of the Nazareth Center for the Arts. She is serving on the Borough's Environmental Steering and Law Committees and is chairing the Fire Committee. Laureen's goals include ensuring a safe and prosperous environment for our Borough with a focus on strategic planning and economic growth.

Councilwoman - Second Ward
Laureen Pellegrino
444 E. Center Street
Nazareth, PA 18064

Cindy Corpora - Councilwoman
Chairperson-Finance Committee
Cindy Corpora was appointed to Nazareth Borough Council on April 1, 2024 to replace her husband, now County Councilman "at large" Jeffrey Corpora. Former Councilman Jeffrey Corpora was appointed to County Council on February 6, 2024 and his resignation was accepted by Nazareth Borough Council at its March 4, 2024 business meeting. Public service for Cindy Corpora is not totally new as she is currently a Library Board member and she very successfully managed the Borough Pool in both 2000 and 2001. Her background in accounting and finance will have her lead the Borough's Finance Committee while also serving on both the Law and Fire Committees. Corpora represents the Borough’s Second Ward and her unexpired term will end on December 31, 2025.

Councilwoman - Second Ward
Cynthia Corpora
29 S. Fairview Street
Nazareth, PA 18064

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