
Following several months of citizen and Council discussions about keeping chickens and other fowl on residential properties, Council's Law Committee has decided that for now, it will not proceed with an ordinance to regulate them. Council President Dan Chiavaroli made it clear at the January 30, 2025 Workshop Meeting that this decision could change should complaints ramp up and people who keep chickens and ducks, not tend to them properly. At this time, no future Council action is anticipated.
The holidays are now behind us and Council's regular meeting routine returns as 2025 hits its stride. There is an exception to the routine with locations as construction continues at Council Chambers at 159 West Center Street making that facility temporarily unusable and forcing meetings to be held at the Nazareth Regional Ambulance Corps, in their training room, until further notice. The Ambulance Corps building at 519 Seip Avenue has ample parking in the rear lot and easy handicap access. The January 30, 2025 Borough Workshop Meeting will be held there at 6:00 pm as will the Monday, February 3, 2025 Borough Business Meeting, also at 6:00 pm. Expectations are that future meetings will continue to be held at the Ambulance Building location pending completion of the expansion to Council Chambers. Announcements will be made when meetings return to Council Chambers.
Nazareth Borough Council conducted a Special Meeting on Monday, December 16, 2024 for the purpose of voting on the proposed 2025 Budget. The $7,951,594 spending and revenue plan for 2025 contains specialized improvements like a new roof for the original portion of Council Chambers, new year-round outdoor bathrooms for Kim Kromer Park and the Essroc Fields Soccer Facility plus $200,000 in street repairs. The nine member Council voted 7 - 2 for budget approval a budget which contains a one-half Mill tax increase.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Christmas in Nazareth event on Saturday, December 14th, hosted by the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce, requires that Main Street from Center Square south to Belvidere be closed to all through traffic. Borough Council sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this closure.
Nazareth Borough Council will meet on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Nazareth Regional Ambulance Corps building. Council has also scheduled a Special Meeting for passage of the 2025 Budget for Monday, December 16, 2024 at 6:00 pm also at the Ambulance Building. There will be "No" Recognition of Citizens or discussion at the Special Meeting, only entertainment of the Budget Finance motions. The Agenda for that Special Meeting will be published as required. Also, Council will not have Committee Meetings during the month of December so no additional news about the Chicken/Fowl Ordinance will be available for dissemination at the January Workshop Meeting or the January Business Meeting. Residents may still attend and comment at the January Meetings but there will be nothing new from the Council Law Committee on the Ordinance matter.
Following lengthy citizen pleas for consideration and further discussion on the matter, there will be additional time allotted to a proposed ordinance that would prohibit chickens and other fowl from being kept on Borough properties. The original advertised ordinance was tabled by Law Chairman Michael Kopach at the November Business Meeting. Residents with interests in the issue will have another opportunity to address Council Tuesday evening, November 26, 2024 at 6:00 pm. The meeting will convene promptly at 6:00 pm with public commentary first on the Agenda. Due to construction at Council Chambers, the meeting will again be held in the training room of the Nazareth Regional Ambulance Corps, 519 Seip Avenue.
The regular Borough Workshop Meeting for December 2024 has been cancelled and rescheduled for Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the training room of the Nazareth Regional Ambulance Corps, 519 Seip Avenue. The site change is due to ongoing construction at Council Chambers.
The Borough proudly nominated its best for the annual Northampton County Award Ceremony at Louise Moore Park held on Saturday, October 12,2024. Borough Clerk Theresa Fedele was deservedly named Borough Employee of the Year for her efforts in a variety of roles to include all Borough refuse billing, overseeing the Borough's Pool and Park reservation system and doing all Borough general accounting and billing. Fedele has been dependable and has brought new processes to every Borough role she has played. Viet Nam veteran Charles Donello was named Borough Veteran of the Year. Donello, who served in combat in the Artillery, had one tour of duty in Viet Nam and was the honoree and guest speaker at the Borough's 2023 Kazoo Parade. Brenda Reinert was honored as the Borough Volunteer of the Year. Reinert is a regular "helping hand" at the Memorial Library who puts to use her engineering and repair skills when needed. She has saved our Library countless dollars in small repair costs and has been invaluable with consulting for the Library's new heating and cooling system. County Executive Lamont McClure presented plaques to each honoree following Borough introductions of each honoree.
Rainy weather the evening of August 6, 2024 forced the cancellation of the annual National Nite Out Event in our Park. Each year, Police, Fire and Ambulance Departments take their vehicles, equipment and some personnel to our Park for a few hours to meet and greet our residents and visitors alike and give those in attendance an up close look at how they do things. Thanks to the generosity of the St. Luke's Health Network, there are free refreshments like hot dogs, ice cream and doughnuts while supplies last plus some giveaways for all to enjoy. The event will now take place on Saturday, September 14th from 5:00 pm -8;00 pm.
With Nazareth Day and Nazareth Nite Out now behind us, the Saturday, July 27th Martin On Main Event is next up. Look for Main Street from Belvidere Street to the Circle to be full of entertainers, food stands and more on that great Saturday event. The festivities begin at noon and run until 7:00 pm as several martin Guitar enthusiasts will perch themselves in strategic spots and serenade the crowds along with the main stage in our Circle. It's a free event so stop on out and enjoy another Summer Saturday.
Have a fun night with friends, family and the Nazareth community! Meet police and first responders, get up close to emergency vehicles, enjoy free Potts' hot dogs, play in a bounce house, dance along with a DJ, watch a K9 police demo, and more!
Get all the latest details on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/s2wmNLBoxGH4ZYUa/
Thank you to our sponsors, St. Luke's University Health Network, Potts Hot Dogs, and Indian Valley Bulk Carriers. We are still accepting local businesses as sponsors and community partners. Email us at nbpd@nazarethboroughpa.gov if you are interested!
About National Night Out: NNO is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. Together, we're making our community a safer, more caring place to live and work.
The nineteenth version of Nazareth's annual Kazoo Parade returns to Independence Day, July 4th with the actual parade beginning at 10:00 am. Marchers are urged to gather at Nazareth High School at 9:45 am where kazoos will be distributed at no charge...supplies are limited but feel free to bring your own kazoo and dress for the celebration. There will not be a ceremony at the end of the Parade as construction at Council Chambers was supposed to start in early June but has been delayed and it was too late to make other arrangements.
Nazareth Borough puts its best foot forward during the warmer Summer months as Park activities ramp up and lots of events dot the calendar. Beginning Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the Pool will be open daily from noon till 7:00 pm with hours exclusions for weather events or the lack of patrons. Pool passes can be purchased at the entry building but daily, single day admissions are always available and prices for Pool use did not increase in 2024. There will great music and dancing fun at the Pool with Disc Jockey Days on June 16th, July 14th and August 11th and Pool admission covers all charges. The always popular Fireman's Carnival begins on Wednesday evening June 5th and ends on Saturday evening four days later. Saturdays are always highlight days across Nazareth and on Saturday June 8th, following another Farmer's Market Day in the Circle, the Borough Food Truck Festival will be staged on Belvidere Street from 2:00 pm till 6:00 pm. The Borough's six parks will be filled with baseball games, softball games, basketball, pickleball and soccer games while the downtown will see its usual Saturday influx. It's Block Party time on Friday evening, July 19th from 6:00 pm till 10:00 pm again on Belvidere Street and Nazareth Day kicks off at 8:00 am the next morning in the Park. Pool admission that day is $1.00 and there are free events galore throughout the Park. There's plenty to do and see and buy at the Park and in the Circle and downtown too but the culmination is the annual Fireworks Show in the Park at 9:00 pm. On Saturday, July 27, 2024 from noon till 7:00 pm, the Borough's other trademark event, Martin on Main Street, sees plenty of musicians, crafters and food vendors along Main Street and in the Circle. Nazareth celebrates its connection to Martin Guitar and its history that day with several accomplished guitar players entertaining patrons both along Main Street and inside the Circle. National Nite Out will be observed on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, from 6:00 pm till 9:00 pm in our Park and it's an opportunity to meet Police, Fire and Ambulance First Responders, get a look at their vehicles and some of their equipment and enjoy a hot dog and cool drink. Everyone is welcome...our Borough's Welcome Mat is always out!
The Borough of Nazareth is seeking an interested person to serve as a regularly scheduled Parking Enforcement Officer. This is a paid "part time" (20 -28 hrs weekly) position. Interested persons can access an application in person at the Borough Municipal Office or on the Borough website (nazarethboroughpa.com)...click on the Forms and Documents Tab and then Employment Application under General. Applications can be mailed to the Borough of Nazareth 134 S. Main Street, Nazareth, PA 18064 or presented in person during business hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Deadline for applications is June 20, 2024.
Nazareth Police Committee
Carl A. Fischl, Chairman
The Borough of Nazareth is seeking candidates for Summer Public Works Department seasonal employment. Candidates wishing to apply can download our Employment Application HERE. Deadline for applications is May 29, 2024 and all applications, upon completion, must be mailed or hand delivered to the Borough of Nazareth 134 S. Main Street Nazareth, PA 18064.
Public Works Committee
Christopher Crook, Chairman
Swimmers can purchase 2024 Pool Passes on Saturday, May 4, 2024 from 10:00 am till 2:00 pm at the Pool Entry building in the Park. The Borough's internet portal, RecDesk...log on at https://nazarethboro.recdesk.com/Community/Home, can be accessed at any time and Pool passes and pavilion and Park rentals can be done online with the use of a credit card. Pool parties can also be booked on RecDesk or in person and you are encouraged to book now as the list of available dates is dwindling fast. Swimmers daily admission rates and season pass rates have remained the same from a year ago with only a slight increases to the fees for Pool Parties and a minor change to the evening Pool Party hours. Evening Pool Parties will now run from 5:30 pm till 8:00 pm with the last hour remaining as private Pool time. All Pool Parties are limited to a maximum of 50 swimmers and those who book Pool Parties can make arrangements with their own private food provider or with the Pool Refreshment Stand. Those with Pool questions are asked to call 610-759-3522 for more information.
Nazareth Borough has changed from its previous garbage biller and contracted for future services with Diversified Technology for all residential collections and dumpster services. The changeover and transfer of information and files will cause a slight delay in this billing cycle only and expect new quarterly bills to begin arriving during the first ten days of April. After establishing a foothold on our Borough services, residents will notice dramatic improvements in billing with more information about essentials on the actual paper statements. Anyone not receiving their usual bill is advised to call the Borough Office at 610-759-0202.
The Nazareth Borough Yard Waste Center on Stoudt Boulevard will be opening for the season at 12 noon on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Hours of operation are noon to 6:00 pm...Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays...Saturdays 10:00 am till 6:00 pm...Sundays 10:00 am till 4:00 pm...closed Mondays and Fridays. The facility will remain open, weather permitting until the end of November when an exact closing date will be properly advertised. The Borough's Skate Park will reopen on Monday, April 1, 2024 weather permitting. It will remain open until the end of November with an exact closure date to be announced. Park hours are to be strictly observed for use of the Skate Park and bikes are not allowed.
On Thursday, February 29th, Nazareth Borough received the news that beginning on March 18, 2024, PennDot will begin repaving Broad Street from the Nazareth Diner to the intersection of East Center Street then proceeding down East Center Street to the Library and the crossroads with North New Street. Right now, the Borough has only received preliminary information with general details but the Borough has been told that the work will be curb to curb and will be done evenings and during night hours. The Borough has also been told that the work will be done in sections and when a section is being milled or paved, all vehicles will need to be moved from that section. Borough Council is considering alternate, off-street parking for those who need to move their vehicles. Please continue to check this website and our Police Page here as we continue to receive more information and will post that information as it is received. The street to be milled and paved is a state road and the Borough has no control of dates, times and what has to be done.
The Borough of Nazareth is seeking candidates for the office of Councilperson, Second Ward to serve until the first Monday of January 2026. Specifics and requirements follow below. Deadline for applications is Friday, March 22, 2024 with appointment of the successful candidate for the position at the April 1, 2024 Borough Business Meeting.
Vacancy To Be Filled: On April 1, 2024 - For Councilperson - Second Ward
Term of Office: April 1, 2024 appointment to serve until the first Monday of January 2026
Candidate Requirements:
(1) Candidate must be a resident of the Borough's Second Ward as a "registered elector"- a "registered elector" is a one year resident of the Ward in order to apply for the opening.
(2) A general resume' of the applicant's qualifications for the office must be presented to the Borough Secretary by 4:30 pm on Friday, March 22, 2024. This document can be mailed to the 134 S. Main Street Office or dropped off at that location during business hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday.
(3) Include a short statement/letter of interest giving reasons why the applicant seeks appointment. You may include any particular skills or experience you could hope to offer. Drop off or send with resume'.
(4) Candidates must appear at the "Borough Workshop Meeting" on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 6:00 pm to express your desire to serve and to present your qualifications to the current Council. The meeting will be at Council Chambers 159 West Center St.
Other questions...call 610-759-0202 or post a question on the "Questions or Concerns" section of the Borough website.
Daniel Chiavaroli
Council President
The Borough of Nazareth
Mayor Lance Colondo has declared a Nazareth Borough Snow Emergency set to begin at 10:00 pm on Monday, February 12, 2024 with a scheduled ending at 6:00 pm on Tuesday February 13, 2024. Residents are advised to move their vehicles from Snow Emergency routes and can move them to the lot at the Nazareth Borough Park or available parking in the lot at Bill Gold Field on South Green Street. There is "NO" available parking at the lot adjacent to the Borough Municipal Building at 134 S. Main Street. Access the General Information tab on the left side of the Website Home Page and click on Snow Emergency for Snow Emergency Route street listings and more information. Violators of the Snow Emergency policy will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense.
Nazareth Borough is seeking candidates to fill the recent Second Ward Council opening created when Councilman Jeffrey Corpora was named to Northampton County Council and resigned on February 6, 2024. Candidates must be a resident of the Borough's Second Ward as a "registered elector"- a "registered elector" is a one year resident of the Ward in order to apply for the opening. They are requested to submit a general resume' of their qualifications for the office which must be presented to the Borough Secretary by 4:30 pm on Monday, February 26, 2024. This document can be mailed to the 134 S. Main Street Office or dropped off at that location during business hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday. It is required that they include a short statement/letter of interest giving reasons why they seek the appointment. Candidates may include any particular skills or experience they could hope to offer and they may drop off that letter or send it with their resume'. Candidates must then appear at the "Borough Workshop Meeting" on Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 6:00 pm to express their desire to serve and to present their qualifications to the current Council. The meeting will be at Council Chambers 159 West Center St.
As always, the Spring Calendar fills up as the weather warms and outdoor activities ramp up across the Borough, within its facilities and in its parks and our downtown. Things get started with the Vigilance Hose Fire Company's annual Shamrock 5K Race/Walk on March 16, 2024 and three days later on March 19, 2024, the Borough's Yard Waste Facility on Stoudt Boulevard will reopen for the 2024 year. Residents only can drop off yard waste from 12 noon till 6:00 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 10:00 am till 6:00 pm on Saturdays and from 10:00 am till 4:00 pm on Sundays. The facility is closed on Mondays and Fridays. Another Vigilance Hose Fire Company event follows with the Easter Egg Hunt in the Park on Sunday, March 24th at 1:00 pm. Pool passes can be purchased in the Park near the Refreshment Stand and Pool Entry Building on Saturday, May 4, 2024 from 11:00 am till 2:00 pm and that is also Opening Day for the Farmer's Market in the Circle which runs each Saturday until the end of October from 9:00 am till 1:00 pm. The Pool will officially open on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 12 noon weather permitting for the season and remain open Sunday, May 26, 2024 and Monday, Memorial Day, again from noon till closing. The Fireman's Carnival then takes center stage with four evenings in the Park June 5th, June 6th, June 7th and June 8th.
The Borough of Nazareth is seeking an interested person to serve as a regularly scheduled Parking Enforcement Officer. This is a paid "part time" (20 -28 hrs weekly) position. Interested persons can access an application in person at the Borough Municipal Office or download our Employment Application HERE. Applications can be mailed to the Borough of Nazareth 134 S. Main Street, Nazareth, PA 18064 or presented in person during business hours 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Deadline for applications is February 12, 2024.
Nazareth Police Committee
Carl A. Fischl, Chairman
Every two years, on the first regular meeting day of the month, the Borough Code requires that all Pennsylvania Boroughs elect new officers and install new professionals before the conduct of regular monthly business begins. On Tuesday evening, January 2, 2024, Mayor Lance Colondo banged the gavel and began by swearing in the six elected members of Council, followed by the Fire Chiefs and then the Special Fire Police. Colondo then asked for nominations for the office of Council President. Councilman Charles Donello placed Dan Chiavaroli's name in nomination and unanimous approval quickly followed. Chiavaroli took the gavel and requested nominations for the office of Vice President whereupon Carl Fischl placed the name of Carl R. Strye Jr. in nomination. Unanimous approval followed and the business of Nazareth Government 2024 was underway.
The Borough will be picking up Christmas Trees, curbside, on Friday, December 29, 2023 (Friday pickup due to Christmas Holiday week schedule), again on Friday, January 5, 2024 (Friday pickup due to New Year's Holiday week schedule) and again on Thursday, January 11, 2024. Residents can also take trees for disposal to the parking lot on Sage Street at the base of the soccer fields, at any time. As required by the Borough Code, Borough Council will conduct a Reorganization Meeting on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 6:00 pm. At that time, all re-elected members of Council will be sworn in, Fire Chiefs and Special Fire Police will be sworn and Council will elect its new officers. A regular Borough Business Meeting will follow.
Work Completed on Basketball Courts As Firehouse Floor Sees Complete Reconstruction
The Borough welcomed completion of the basketball courts in the Park even as work started to replace the floor of our Firehouse. Both projects were part of the 2023 Operating Budget even as future additional work is planned for the Firehouse and is budgeted for 2024. The work on the basketball courts was partially subsidized by a 2022 Northampton County GrowNorco Grant.
Attention Nazareth Residents, please note the the prices have increased for Trash and Recycling. You will receive the information in your next bill. For more information, please click HERE.
At its November 2023 Business Meeting, Nazareth Borough Council approved its 2024 Proposed Budget. The “Proposed” 2024 Budget contains a One Mill tax increase, the Borough's first tax increase in six years. The Budget is available for viewing at the Municipal Offices, 134 S. Main Street during business hours for ten (10) business days from November 13, 2023 through November 30, 2023. Sunday, December 3, 2023 will mark the annual seasonal closing of both the Borough's Yard Waste Recycling Center on Stoudt Boulevard and the Skate Park. Both of those facilities will reopen at the beginning of April 2024.
As the weather continues to turn cooler and the days become shorter, we are now well into the Fall 2023 season and with it comes the annual ritual of falling leaves. The Borough's Public Works Department has already been coming to your streets to pick up these leaves. The procedure for leaf removal is the same as it has been in previous years and Borough residents should continue to deposit their leaves for curbside pickup. Please note that piles containing grass clippings, yard waste, branches or any debris other than leaves "will not be picked up". Our removal equipment is designed to only pick up leaves and anything other than leaves will damage our equipment and could cause harm and even serious injury to our cleanup crew. Remember that Yard waste and clippings can be dropped off at the Borough's Yard Waste Center on G.W. Stoudt Boulevard until it closes for the season on or about December 1, 2023. There is no set schedule for leaf pickup but all parts of the Borough will be taken care of beginning with the eastern most sections of the Borough first. Crews will work their way west until everything is cleaned up. The procedure will repeat until all leaves have been collected and the speed at which this is done depends on weather conditions and the amount of leaves to be retrieved. The Borough Public Works Crew thanks you in advance for your cooperation in this yearly cleanup endeavor.
Nazareth Borough will be abuzz with activity as October 2023 unfolds. On Sunday, October 8th, at 1:00 pm, the Borough will dedicate its new Playground at Veterans Memorial Square, adjacent to Council Chambers. Funded entirely through a Borough grant in 2022, the playground features swings, a slide, teeter totter, picnic tables and benches on a raised plot along Church Street. With a host of invited guests and local government officials, it promises to be a historic and memorable event. Some light refreshments will follow the ceremony. Saturday, October 21st at 1:00 pm will see the renewal of one of the Borough's trademark events, the annual Halloween Parade which winds through our downtown. After the conclusion of the Parade, the Nazareth Area Chamber of Commerce will again host its Fall Festival along Main Street from 2:00 pm ending at 6:00 pm. There will be plenty of food and drink and even some musical entertainment. It's another "don't miss event". Finally, on Tuesday evening October 31st Trick or Treat Night will take place in the Borough from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. That evening features lots of kids in lots of costumes and lots of candy for them to enjoy. Step on out and enjoy all of the wonderful things our Borough offers. There's always plenty to do in Nazareth!
Our Borough's Environmental Steering Committee will again host a "drive thru" recycling and shredding event, for Borough residents only, in our Park on Thursday, September 14, 2023 from 4:00 pm till 6:00 pm. Personal photo ID's showing a Borough address will be required for the drop-off of recycling materials and equipment and the same will be required for the "no charge" shredding of documents and papers. There will be a limit of ten file type boxes for shredding. There are fees "charged" for some items like tv's, appliances, copiers and stereos. A specific list of free recycling items plus the charges for those with fees, is posted in Nazareth Key ads in the September 6, 2023 and September 13, 2023 issues of the newspaper. Questions about anything regarding this event can be answered by calling the Borough Office at 610-759-0202.
The Nazareth Pool Summer of 2023 Season will end on Labor Day, September 4, 2023 at closing time. The Borough thanks all patrons who enjoyed our facility for summer fun and enjoyment and hopes for your return during the Summer of 2024. Look for the Memorial Day Weekend reopening of the Pool and watch for other announcements and Pool Pass sales on the Borough's RecDesk portal at nazarethboro.recdesk.com
Nazareth Borough will conduct a Public Meeting at 5:00 pm on Thursday, August 3, 2023, before the Borough's August Workshop Meeting to show preliminary plans and sketches of a proposed new Recycling Center on Gracedale Boulevard. A representative of the planning firm doing the engineering for the new center will be present to answer questions and show plot plans for the new facility which will be financed by a Pennsylvania DEP Grant. The proposed "drive-thru" center will replace the current Borough's Yard Waste Recycling Center on GW Stoudt Boulevard plus additionally collect other recyclables to include paper, cardboard, glass, metal and other approved materials. The Borough also announces Half Price Pool Passes for the month of August until seasonal closing on Labor Day 2023. Family passes will be $130 with the over four family member rate of $15 per, the Junior passes will be $75, Adult passes will be $85, Senior Citizen passes $50 and Employee passes $25.
Three of Nazareth's annual premier events will make for a busy and enjoyable mid July weekend. It all kicks off with the return of the Block Party in the downtown on Friday evening, July 15th for an evening of fun, food and music. The event began in 1990 when the Borough celebrated its 250th Anniversary and was a summer staple before a pause in 2016. It's back and hopefully, it will be bigger and better than ever. The next morning, Nazareth Day events fill the Park with crafters, games, food stands, music and plenty more. Pool admission that day is $1.00 for everyone but everything else is free.There are other merchant sponsored events in the downtown complete with the Farmer's Market which will move out of the Circle, further south while other vendors and events take place in the Circle. Sidewalk sales will be going on while all of this is happening down Main Street. The day's events culminate with the annual Fireman's Fireworks Show in the Park at approximately 9:00 pm. There's plenty to do in plenty of welcoming placed within the Borough on this special weekend. Come on out and enjoy!
The Nazareth Borough July Business Meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 6:00 pm at Council Chambers, 159 West Center Street. The meeting date change has been properly advertised in both the Home News and the Nazareth Key. The Borough has also scheduled a Special Public Meeting for Thursday evening, July 13, 2023 from 5:00 pm till approximately 7:00 pm to inform residents and others of proposed building alterations to Council Chambers. Changes include the addition of first floor ADA compliant bathrooms, a second ADA compliant entrance to a vestibule, a small first floor office and the addition of a second meeting room. Plans also call for outside seasonal bathrooms to service the baseball field and the park and playground at the location. An architect will be present to show drawings and renderings of the proposed changes along with schematic prints of the new layout. Council will be present as well to entertain questions and address any resident concerns.
With Summer now here and the Pool and all of our Parks open for swimming, tennis, basketball, picnics, skateboarding and very soon Pickleball, take advantage of all that our Borough has to offer. Our Dog Park on Black Rock Road gives your canine a chance to romp and play while you take in the unmatchable views of eastern Northampton County stretching all the way to the Delaware River. The West End Walking Trails offer casual walking and jogging for those who love that type of activity while playgrounds at Washington/Kokolus Park, Fairview Park, Kiwanis Park, Sauerzopf Park, our Borough Park and very soon at Veterans Memorial Square, offer plenty of fun for toddlers and youths and even adults looking to relax and enjoy some light activity. On Saturday, July 1st, Nazareth's trademark Kazoo Parade kicks off at 10:00 am before ending at Council Chambers. Viet Nam veteran and Councilman Charles Donello is this year's Grand Marshall for that event sponsored by the Nazareth Chamber of Commerce. Two weeks later, Nazareth Day makes its 47th appearance with lots of vendors, entertainers, crafters and events in the Park and along Main Street with $1.00 Pool Admission that day culminating with the 9:00 pm Fireworks Show in the Park sponsored by the Vigilance Hose Fire Company. July ends with the annual Martin on Main event along Main Street and in the Circle with guitar music, food and vendors and lots about Martin Guitars as part of the fun. that event begins at noon on Saturday, July 29th. there's always plenty to see and do in our Borough.
The month of May will begin with plenty of fanfare in the Borough as the Nazareth Farmer's Market will cut the ribbon for its start at 9:00 am on Saturday, May 6th in the Circle. Several new vendors will join the usual cast to make each Saturday morning extra special for shoppers and those who like to mix and mingle and be entertained in our downtown. One week later, on Saturday May 13th, there will be plenty of activity in our Park. Each year, the Rotary Club sponsors Park Cleanup Day on the second Saturday of May and that will happen again with an open invitation to anyone wishing to pitch in and help with some of the cleanup work...you only need to show up and join in when it all gets started at 9:00 am. two hours later on Saturday, May 13th at 11:00 am, in person Pool Pass sales will take place at the Small Pavilion in the Park. Pool staff will be there to issue passes and answer questions about events at the Pool in 2023. There are still some employment openings for summer work at the Pool so you can inquire about that as well. Two weeks later, on Saturday, May 27, 2023, the Pool opens at 12 noon, weather permitting, for its 2023 season. Join all the fun in the Borough of Nazareth...you're always welcome here!
The start of Spring always brings with it a winter cleanup of street debris and the remnants of another tough cold weather season. The Borough also restarts its regular weekly routine of street sweeping and reminds residents to keep their vehicles off of the streets on the designated days and times for that early morning cleanup to occur. Street sweeping is done in the early morning hours so as to not disrupt
school bus pickups and work departures. Beginning at 5:30 am on Tuesdays, Borough Public Works will clean the streets on the east side of the Borough...east of Main Street... and the routine will be repeated each Friday morning starting at 5:30 am on the west side of the Borough....west of Main Street. Mayor Colondo has placed this information on a number of Borough social media pages and will also have a Nixle alert.
The Borough's Rec Desk pool and Park booking portal will officially open to accept the booking of Pool Parties on April 1, 2023. The portal has been open for the purchase of Pool Passes and pavilion rentals since February 14, 2023. Log on to https://nazarethboro.recdesk.com or Google our Rec Desk site and access it that way to book a party, rent a pavilion and now reserve a Pool Party date for your special event. Also, on April 1, 2023, the Borough's Skate Park will again open for the 2023 season for times of use when the Park is open. There is no residency requirement for either use of the Pool, Pool Parties, pavilion rentals or use of the Skate Park. For more information call the Borough Office at 610-759-0202.
You can help keep Nazareth a safe place to live and work! The Nazareth Borough Police Department, an accredited Police Agency, is hiring part-time officers with the possibility to work steady shifts of 32+ hours per week and starting pay of $32 per hour. If you or someone you know meet the following requirements, fill out the application HERE. You can submit the application via email or fax (610-759-9622).
Job Requirements:
• US citizenship
• High school diploma or equivalent
• At least 21 years old
• Possess a valid driver's license
• Able to pass a background check
• Successful competition of ACT 120 Academy
• Ability to become MPOETC certified
Nazareth Borough is a close-knit community of 7,000 residents in the Lehigh Valley, located in Eastern Pennsylvania, near Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton PA and Phillipsburg, NJ. Learn more on our website or Facebook.
Nazareth Borough Council approved the opening of the Yard Waste Center on G.W. Stoudt Boulevard with its first day of operation to be Tuesday, March 14, 2023. The Yard Waste Facility's hours of weekly operation will be noon to 6:00 pm...Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays...Saturdays 10:00 am till 6:00 pm and Sundays 10:00 am till 4:00 pm. The facility will be closed on Mondays and Fridays. The facility will remain open, weather permitting until the end of November when an exact closing date will be properly advertised. Drivers licenses will be checked and only Borough residents will be allowed to drop off yard waste. In other Recycling News, Council approved an Electronics Recycling and Shredding event for Thursday, September 14, 2023 from 4:00 -6:00 pm in the Borough Park. A price list of charges for electronics disposal will be published prior to the event and shredding services only are free for this event. This event will be open to all Borough residents and businesses with ID proof of standing as either a business owner or Borough resident.
Swimmers can now purchase Pool memberships (season passes) on the Nazareth Borough RecDesk portal plus pavilion and facility rentals can also be secured for summer use. The portal can be accessed at https://nazarethboro.recdesk.com/ and transactions can take place with use of a credit card to buy season passes and reserve any of the pavilions, the Park Gazebo or the picnic pavilions at Kiwanis Park or Essroc Fields. Reserving Pool Parties on the RecDesk portal will begin at a later date. For information on anything related to the Pool and our parks, call the Borough Office at 610-759-0202.
Nazareth Borough Council began its first meeting of 2023 with a Moment of Silence and several personal tributes to "late" Councilman Larry Stoudt who died on December 19, 2022. Stoudt had a long and storied career of Borough service as a 45 year Councilman, over five decades as a firefighter and more than 25 years as a Special Fire Police Officer. The Vigilance Hose Fire Chiefs were sworn in for the year as were five Special Fire Police Officers as the meeting continued. Council then named former Councilman and Second Ward resident Jeffrey Corpora to serve the one year that remained on the Stoudt vacancy. Borough Council then presented members and officers of the Nazareth Blue Eagle Marching Band with a Resolution to honor the Band for another undefeated and championship competition season, their third in the last five years. A second Council resolution was presented to retiring Band Director and Music Teacher, Rick Hilborn.
The Borough of Nazareth has sadly lost eleven term Councilman Larry Stoudt. Stoudt passed on Monday, December 19, 2022 following a short illness. Over the course of nearly 60 years in various Borough positions, Larry Stoudt served the residents of Nazareth as a six decade Firefighter, over 25 years as a Special Fire Policeman and more than 45 years as an elected Councilman. Stoudt also served eight years as a Director on the Nazareth Ambulance Board in addition to leading the Borough's Police Committee for 21 years. He was a proud veteran of the U.S. Army and an officer of American Legion Post 415. Most importantly, Larry Stoudt was a man of unwavering conviction to all causes which would benefit the Borough of Nazareth and his unselfish volunteer spirit was a reflection of that conviction. Council has lost one of its pillars, the Borough has lost an outstanding citizen and a reliable helping hand.
The Nazareth Borough Police Department invites the community to take part in the Community Camera Program. This new voluntary safety initiative will allow residents and business owners to register the locations of their video surveillance systems with the Nazareth Borough Police Department to help deter and fight crime in the community.
Through this camera registration program, the Nazareth Borough Police Department will be able to identify locations of cameras that are near crime or crash scenes and contact residents and business owners for video surveillance footage.
There is absolutely no cost to register your security camera. Registration is completely voluntary, and you can cancel your registration at any time. At no time will the police department have access to your security system remotely.
Once registered, a member of the Nazareth Borough Police Department will contact you to verify your information. You will only be contacted by the police if there is an incident in the vicinity of your security cameras. In the event a crime occurs near your registered cameras, you may be contacted by police officers who will request a copy of the video and/or images captured by your cameras over a designated time period that could assist in the investigation.
To register your camera please go to our Camera Registration Page.
Information provided to the Nazareth Borough Police Department regarding your camera system will be for official use only. Your personal information will remain confidential and not be distributed except as required by law or court order.
Questions about the program, registering your security cameras, or canceling your registration can be directed to Police Administrative Assistant Debra Dreisbach at ddreisbach@nazarethboroughpa.gov or by calling 610-759-9575 weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Thank you for your participation, and assistance in helping the police department and our community.
Randy Miller - Chief of Police
At its November Business Meeting, Nazareth Borough Council unanimously approved a "proposed" 2023 Borough Operating Budget which does not contain a tax increase over the current 16 Mills. Included in the Budget are $250,000 for street repairs, $50,000 for MS4 Storm Water repairs, $180,000 for renovations to the current Firehouse, $147,000 to replace the basketball courts in the Park and the purchase of a new Public Works pickup truck. Council will decide on formal and final Budget approval at its December 5, 2022 Business Meeting.
Traditional events like the annual Tree Lighting and Christmas in Nazareth will bring plenty of late Fall excitement to our downtown and those both will follow the YMCA's Pumpkin Pie 5K Race on Thanksgiving morning, November 24th. Two days later, Council has approved "all day" Free Downtown Meter Parking on Small Business Saturday and has similarly agreed to Free Parking in the metered zone on Saturday, December 10, 2022 for Christmas in Nazareth. The Borough Christmas Tree will be formally unveiled and lit on Friday evening, December 9, 2022 at 7:00 pm. The Nazareth Area Chamber of Commerce, a division of the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce, is certain to provide another memorable season of Christmas events in our Borough.
With the arrival of winter weather and colder temperatures, the yard Waste Center on Stoudt Bouelvard and the Skate Park in our Borough Park will end their seasons on December 1, 2022. December 1, 2022 will be the final open day for both facilities, weather permitting. Watch for the announcements of early April re-openings in 2023.
Each October, Northampton County honors nominees for a select number of awards to include Employee of the Year, Volunteer of the Year and Veteran of the Year. Nazareth Borough proudly nominated two most deserving individuals for the October 8th celebration event in Louise Moore Park. Erin Bowers of our Public Works Department received the Employee of the Year Award from County Executive Lamont McClure, a most deserving honor for a 17 year employee who takes tremendous pride in everything she does not only in our Borough Park but in everything she does throughout our town. The pristine look of our Circle and all of our parks is a testament to Erin's oversight with flowers, shrubs and all plantings as each year she selects what will be in each location, then carefully tends to the watering and fertilizing and trimming of each bush, shrub and flower that she has chosen. Erin's overall job performance makes her a worthy recipient of this prestigious award. Barbara Fischl was similarly honored for her incredible amount of Borough volunteer service. Barbara has been a hard working Library Board member and Chair of that Board for 16 years while also chairing the Borough's Planning and Civil Service Commissions. Both of those positions require lots of hard work and the willingness to devote countless hours of her personal time to help our Borough. At a time when many of the Borough's boards and commission posts go unfilled with no one willing to help, Barbara Fischl has and continues to admirably serve on three commissions and has done so for countless years and with great professionalism. Ms. Fischl recently submitted her Letter of Interest to serve yet another upcoming term on our Planning Commission so to say her award is most deserving is a bit of an understatement. Congratulations and a "Nazareth Thank you" to both Erin and Barbara. Council plans to honor both at a future meeting.
The Board of Directors of the Nazareth Ambulance Corps is pleased and proud to announce the appointment of new Executive Director of EMS, Robert Norder. Norder's appointment becomes official on October 1st as the Corps again ramps up its emergency operations following a period during the public health crises when the groundswell of regular emergency calls and transports and the needed personnel for those increased daily services, forced Nazareth Ambulance to rely on Bethlehem Township to answer a portion of its 9-1-1 emergency calls. Norder brings a wealth of EMS success to his new position having successfully led the Bethlehem Township Ambulance Corps through the recent Pandemic and overseen its growth with multi stations and the expanded network of areas it now services. Norder has directed the Nazareth Ambulance Corps since early April as its "unofficial" Operations Director and has brought new processes, technology and equipment to the Corps while expanding its staff recruiting and transport services. Fourteen new employees are being brought on board during the month of October with the hope for many more to follow as Norder has assured the Board that he is pursuing new opportunities for Nazareth's network expansion of new customers to include additional senior, assisted living and nursing centers as well as inter-hospital transports. The Nazareth Ambulance Board of Directors accepted Norder's recommendation to officially change its name to the Nazareth Regional Ambulance Corps and the Board's legal representative has filed for that name change going forward. The New Era of the Nazareth Regional Ambulance Corps begins now!
The Borough of Nazareth is seeking an interested person to serve as a part time Administrative Clerk. This is a paid "part time" position for 18 to a maximum of 30 hours of weekly employment during regular business weekday hours. A strong emphasis will be placed on computer skills and competency with QuickBooks is also a plus. Interested persons can pick up an application at the Borough Business Office, 134 S. Main Street (main floor), during business hours, 8:30 am till 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday or access the Nazareth Borough website....nazarethboroughpa.com.... and retrieve an application under Forms and Documents-Borough of Nazareth Employment Application . Deadline for applications is October 14, 2022 and all applications, upon completion, must be hand delivered.
Borough of Nazareth
Larry Stoudt
Finance Committee Chairman
There will be plenty to do in October in our Borough. A second Firemen's Carnival will take place in the Park from Thursday October 6, 2022 through Sunday, October 9, 2022. One week later, the Borough's Environmental Steering Committee will be sponsoring a "residents only" electronics recycling and shredding event in the Park that Saturday morning, October 15th from 10:00 am till noon. Watch for ads in the Key and check this website for further details. Later that day, Saturday, October 15, 2022 the annual Halloween Parade will take place at 1:00 pm on its traditional parade route and the Nazareth Chamber of Commerce Lehigh Valley Chamber branch will conduct its annual Fall Festival on South Main Street between Belvidere and Walnut Streets and in the Borough Parking lot at 128 S. Main Street. That event will start at 2:00 pm following the Halloween Parade and conclude at 6:00 pm. There will be food vendors and music at that event.
Northampton County Department of Public Works will hold a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event on October 1st at Northampton Community
College 3835 Green Pond Road, Bethlehem, PA from 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM, rain or shine. This event is intended for Northampton County residents only and online pre-registration is required.
Information from Northampton county can be found HERE.
Accepted Materials can be found HERE.
Nazareth Borough Council has scheduled Trick or Treat Night 2022 for Monday, October 31, 2022 from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. Council did not issue any restrictions to the annual Halloween Eve event but asks that children and parents exercise caution during that evening's search for treats.
At its August 1, 2022 Business Meeting, Nazareth Borough Council selected and appointed Larry Stoudt to again represent the Borough's Second Ward. Stoudt, an eleven term former Councilman and sixty year volunteer fireman will assume the seat vacated by Jessica Teel whose resignation took effect on July 6, 2022. Stoudt was selected over Noah Nealon and James Jablonski who had similarly applied for appointment. His term expires on December 31, 2023.
The Borough of Nazareth is accepting applications for the position of Full Time Police Officer. This is a Civil Service position. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen, be at least 21 years of age and possess a high school diploma or equivalent. As part of the Civil Service process, candidates are required to pass written, oral and polygraph examinations. Candidates must be physically capable of performing the essential functions and tasks of a police officer. Candidates will be subject to a comprehensive background investigation.
Prior to appointment, every applicant must possess a valid PA Driver's License, have successfully completed Act 120 Academy and be capable of MPOETC certification. Application packets can be obtained at the Nazareth Municipal Offices, 134 S. Main Street, Nazareth, PA 18064, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm or downloaded from the Borough website - nazarethboroughpa.gov - access the Forms and Documents tab on the Home Page - lower left column.
The Application deadline is Friday, August 26, 2022 at 4:00 pm. There is a non-refundable $35.00 application fee, payable in cash or money order.
Completed applications must be hand-delivered or mailed to the Nazareth Borough Municipal Offices and include payment of the $35.00 application fee. Completed applications "must" be in the Borough Office by the 4:00 pm deadline on Friday, August 26, 2022...no exceptions and each completed and delivered application will be initialed and time stamped upon reception. The Borough of Nazareth will not accept application packets hand-delivered or post marked after the application deadline or which do not include payment of the application fee. You cannot apply online and online applications will not be accepted.
Please visit our Civil Service page for more information.
Follow The Nazareth Fire Department - Vigilance Hose Co. #1 on FaceBook
Welcome to the Borough of Nazareth website. The borough is named for the Biblical town of Nazareth. William Penn bequeathed this land to his daughter, Letitia, who under colonial law would have had to pay a single red rose each June 24, if so demanded by the trustees. People in Nazareth celebrate this every year on June 11 and 12 by various organizations selling single red roses throughout the town.
The Borough of Nazareth, founded in 1740 by Moravian settlers, is a quaint and charming community situated in central Northampton County just four miles north of Bethlehem and seven miles northwest of Easton. Nazareth can boast of quiet and attractive neighborhoods and easy living and its 5,746 residents enjoy the Borough's great parks, heralded school system, convenient downtown and one hour access to New York City and Philadelphia. Historically, Nazareth was an industrial town with the production of cement, textiles, yarn and fabricated steel at its heart but the town will always be linked with its best known and most popular product, the Martin Guitar.

Thousands of the prized guitars are still produced each year for worldwide distribution and each summer, the town proudly hosts the annual "Martin On Main Street Festival". Serviced by its own Police Department and Vigilance Hose Volunteer Fire Company, Nazareth offers a unique community spirit which manifests itself in several traditional events like Nazareth Day, The Block Party, parades and holiday tours. The Borough can be accessed by Routes 191 which passes through the heart of the downtown and Route 33 which skirts the Borough's eastern borders.